Wednesday, November 26, 2008


Happy Thanksgiving!

Ronald Reagan once said, “There are no great limits to growth because there are no limits to human intelligence, imagination and wonder.”

As we continue to experience times of financial uncertainty, this Thanksgiving in addition to being thankful for friends, family and good health, we can be thankful for our intelligence, imagination and wonder. For these are the things that will bring our businesses growth and prosperity during the next year.

Monday, November 24, 2008

Keeping Strong

The last few months have certainly been certainly been volatile financial times, leaving business owners and managers with a heightened sense of uncertainty.

This does not have to be bad news. Uncertain economic times create opportunities.

Traditionally recessions are times when the weak get sorted out and the complacent get pushed aside. They are therefore times of great opportunity for companies that see and seek the opportunity to break away and experience unprecedented growth. When times are good, virtually anybody can make a profit. But, in tough times true strengths and weaknesses are revealed.

Strong companies will continue to do what strong companies have always done. They will stick to their mission and vision.

In order to be strong, stick to my mission and vision, and to enhance my existing Delta4 advisory services and skill base, I recently attended the Principa Alliance Annual 2020 Conference. The conference was great, and provided me with new tools to help my customers in the uncertain financial times ahead. My firm is stronger as a result of attending the conference.

Strong companies continually ask themselves these crucial burning questions about their business:
  • How can I offer better service than anyone else?
  • How do I build better systems & controls?
  • How can I make my team more productive?
  • How can I compete on something other than price?
  • How can I make my business stand out?
  • How can I keep track of everything without burning out?
  • How can I improve my profits, my lifestyle and realize the value of my business as an asset?
A Principa CPA can help you identify the answers to those questions.