Sunday, August 24, 2008

Write It Down

Congratulations to Team USA in winning the Olympic gold medal in women's basketball.

Congratulations to Lisa Leslie for her record fourth Olympic gold medal in women's basketball.

In a post game interview, Ms. Leslie said:
"I always say to all those kids out there, Just write down your goals. You
can do what ever you want to achieve."

The same is true for business. Studies have shown that those with clear, written goals, accomplish far more in a shorter period of time than those wothout them could ever imagine.

So, write down your goals.

A business needs more than just goal alone. Businesses need a strategy for achieving their goals and a process for measuring and monitoring their progress. Business owners can get a jump start on defining their goals, creating a strategy and establishing a monitoring system by holding a strategic planning session with a Principa CPA.

Brenda Richter, CPA is a member of the Principa Alliance.

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