Thursday, December 31, 2009


As the year ends, it’s time to look back and assess our accomplishments for the year.

At the beginning of 2009, I introduced business owners to the book, Finish Strong by Dan Green (published by Simple Truths). And, I challenged business owners to do like the book says: Finish Strong.

Through out the year, I have provided additional inspirations and resources to business owners based on the book, so that they could Finish Strong.

So how did you finish 2009?

Please share your Finish Strong story.

Sunday, December 13, 2009

Movies as Inspiration

Recently, I was on a business discussion forum, and the moderator asked, "What movies have inspired you?"

Here's my response:

Miracle (by Disney) that tells the story of the 1980 USA Olympic hockey team and their gold medal win.

I was particularly inspired by coach Herbie Brooks and the way he brought together the best people to create a winning team. He worked with each player to bring out the best in them. The greatest example of this is reflected in one game where the team score 7 points by 5 different players. I aspire to be like that when I work with my customers. Recently, I sent a copy of the DVD to my customers and some business associates to inspire them in much the same way.

WOW – how many CPAs do something like that!

Please share the movies that have inspired you.

Sunday, December 6, 2009

Kick Start Your New Year

Recently, SUCCESS magazine published 44 Ways to Kick-Start Your New Year.

What would you add to the list?

Thursday, December 3, 2009

Business Boot Camp Groups

Of course, it’s even better when that something new also happensto be something that adds terrific value to your business.

With those two things in mind (new and adding value) I would like to tell you more about the Business Boot Camp™. It is exactly the sort of program small business owners have been asking for.

Research from lthe 2007 Good to Great event indicates that business owners want to be educated about the following:

  • Understand their business

  • Understand their financials

  • Understand problems and solutions

  • Enhance business ownership skills
In addition, business owners also mentioned that they enjoyed the opportunity to meet with other business owners to talk and learn about business processes. The Business Boot Camp™ is an opportunity for small business owners to come together and develop their CEO skills, and in turn create extraordinary businesses and extraordinary lives. Business Boot Camp™ groups are now forming.

Contact Brenda Richter, CPA for information on how you can get involved in a Business Boot Camp group.

Also, if you know any other business owners who might be interested, please share this information with them.

Wednesday, December 2, 2009


Life is not measured by the number of breaths we take, but by the number of moments that take our breath away.

Your business is the means for creating those moments.